helping leaders grow

Kingdom Businesses

Transform your Business to achieve God’s Kingdom purposes with help from a Friend


Welcome to The Father’s Heart! My mission is to work with business leaders to help develop God’s Kingdom principles in their businesses.

Our Father needs His people to understand the strategic importance of businesses willing to involve Him at the leadership level. The significance being that we return the King’s rule to the Marketplace. His Kingdom principles to how we do business. Reflecting His heart of love for people, His kindness and generosity and His provision for His people wherever they gather.

Whether this is new to you or you want to ensure your current plans reflect Kingdom values, I would be privileged to join you on part of your journey.

On this website, you’ll find information and references to help you get started. I also offer the benefit of nearly 50 years of experience walking with our Heavenly Father, ready to meet you, understand your world, and share His heart for you and your business.


Why not get in touch to find out more about what we can do together